
Wednesday 10 November 2021

Writing Wk4 T4 ( Explanation text).

Hi, last weeks/this weeks task was writing an Explanation text.

First we needed to plan witch was last weeks task. We got to chooses what topic we would like to write about, since I'm a swimmer and I love to swim, I did a topic on swimming. Witch was how women started swimming and how they protested for their rights.

Here is my planing:

After my planing we needed to start writing.

Here is my Explanation text on How women started swimming:

Hope you learnt something new.

What are you good at Explaining?

Thursday 4 November 2021

Reading Wk3 T4

 Kia ora, this week we had to create an image of how pollution is wasting the world we live in, and explain the affects of it. 

What do you do to help the climate?

Maths Wk3 T4

 Hi, this week for math the goal was: Finding fractions of whole numbers. Me and my friend Gabrielle work together and made a slide with our voice recorded over the top of our math create because we needed to explain how we worked it out. 

How would you of worked it out?

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Writing W1 T4 Explanation.

 Hi, last week we did Explanation structure. We had to plan out what we would need in an Explanation text. 

Here's the link: Link.

What do you think you should have in an Explanation text?

Do you think I have all the right stuff?

Monday 27 September 2021

Reading W10 T3

 Kia ora, for reading this week we had to chooses a task to do for the community I diced to do a site on healthiness. Here is the Link to my site: Being fit benefits you!

What would you like to plan for the community?

What community would you plan it for?

Friday 24 September 2021

Maths T3 W9

 Hi, Me and my friend for Maths did a video, Goal: Use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers.

Here is a link to the video: Link.

What is you favorite's strategies to use in Maths?

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Math knowladge

 Hi, each week we have to work on this thing called Math knowledge. We have to chooses what Math page we want to do here is my Math knowledge.


  1. 63

  2. 100

  3. 96

  4. 36

  5. 30

  6. 33

  7. 56

  8. 90

  9. 15

  10. 88

  11. 28

  12. 100

  13. 90

  14. 55

Do you prefer Maths or English?