
Tuesday 28 May 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Public or private information

Walt: understand public and private information and identify them.
Today we did a poster with a buddy.It was about learning dentifrices between private and public and we highlighted  public green private red and orange if we did not know and there were three examples and then we made our own🐰🐕 see if you can identify the private and public?

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Why should i have a pet lizard.

Hi this term we are trying to persuasive our family
hope you enjoy.I crated this poster to persuasive my mum to buy me one. They have long tongues and are really weird skin and don´t forget there cute and like playing games. There quite and is a pet and you will enjoy them.🦎🦎✌😍 Also i will love it.

public vs private

Hi we are learning about what we should put on the internet and not.
Things we should.                           Should not.
Goals                                                dogs name
                                                         mums and dads names.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Never us your iformishenm online

Public iformishenm  can be a little of your name
and your favorite food .Your pet but not to much and your favorite things.
but not to much.🎬

Your private iformishen
cant be your crited card💳.
not your date of birth,dog,phone numbers and most of your life.Your password.

Why you sudent still do it.
People can prank call you and a lot of saber bulling.
People will coment and hurt your feelings and give you a thumbuse down.