
Friday 25 June 2021

Writing & Math & Reading W6

 Hi, sorry This will be mixed up on my blog. On week 6 for maths we came up with a game for top team also we have to do the area.

Here is my game Idea: Link to idea/ work.

For writing we are doing a Goldilocks newspaper witch you will see soon since I'm still planning.

Reading we are doing a character web, We needed to read a fiction novel for our character web. My novel was diary of a wimpy kid.

Here's my Reading: Link to work.

Are you a fan of diary of a wimpy kid?

Reading W8 T2

 Hi this week for Reading We are doing Genre witch means categories/ Types. We have a selection of different articles to choose from.  

Here's what I read.

  Genre: Sport

Article 1. Swimming NZ to send 7 swimmers to Tokyo Olympics 2021.

               I liked reading this article because it's about the people who qualified for swimming in the Olympics in NZ and it's great if we cheer NZ on at the Olympics. I liked how they showed you who is in it and what they will be doing/ qualified at the Olympics this year.

 Genre: Feeling/ Health

Article 2. What is empathy?

 Empathy is important, because if someone hurt there self then you shouldn't laugh at others if they hurt you want to help them and you should feel sad for the person. It's good this articular because it brings self awareness to you or a person that isn't that empathetic or nice. 

 Genre: News/ Health.

Article 3. Wellington Moves to level 2.

It's good if we know news about virus and health news because you can know when and what's happening to the place like Wellington, so we know not to go there in lease if you are trying to get covid- 19  or to stay in wellington for a couple of weeks. News are great for us because we can know what is happening in the world and why.

Did you know about:

Seven swimmers from New Zealand going to the Olympics?

What is empathy?

Wellington is in level 2 now?