
Wednesday 10 November 2021

Writing Wk4 T4 ( Explanation text).

Hi, last weeks/this weeks task was writing an Explanation text.

First we needed to plan witch was last weeks task. We got to chooses what topic we would like to write about, since I'm a swimmer and I love to swim, I did a topic on swimming. Witch was how women started swimming and how they protested for their rights.

Here is my planing:

After my planing we needed to start writing.

Here is my Explanation text on How women started swimming:

Hope you learnt something new.

What are you good at Explaining?

Thursday 4 November 2021

Reading Wk3 T4

 Kia ora, this week we had to create an image of how pollution is wasting the world we live in, and explain the affects of it. 

What do you do to help the climate?

Maths Wk3 T4

 Hi, this week for math the goal was: Finding fractions of whole numbers. Me and my friend Gabrielle work together and made a slide with our voice recorded over the top of our math create because we needed to explain how we worked it out. 

How would you of worked it out?

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Writing W1 T4 Explanation.

 Hi, last week we did Explanation structure. We had to plan out what we would need in an Explanation text. 

Here's the link: Link.

What do you think you should have in an Explanation text?

Do you think I have all the right stuff?

Monday 27 September 2021

Reading W10 T3

 Kia ora, for reading this week we had to chooses a task to do for the community I diced to do a site on healthiness. Here is the Link to my site: Being fit benefits you!

What would you like to plan for the community?

What community would you plan it for?

Friday 24 September 2021

Maths T3 W9

 Hi, Me and my friend for Maths did a video, Goal: Use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers.

Here is a link to the video: Link.

What is you favorite's strategies to use in Maths?

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Math knowladge

 Hi, each week we have to work on this thing called Math knowledge. We have to chooses what Math page we want to do here is my Math knowledge.


  1. 63

  2. 100

  3. 96

  4. 36

  5. 30

  6. 33

  7. 56

  8. 90

  9. 15

  10. 88

  11. 28

  12. 100

  13. 90

  14. 55

Do you prefer Maths or English?

Thursday 9 September 2021

Work through lockdown

Kia ora, today back at school, My parents wanted me to do there way of learning than the schools.

I did maths like usually, if you want to do maths our want to be suggest a app I would say prototec maths it times but also is really good to see your result at the end. Prototec maths is a great way to increase your/others maths with different levels to go through, also you can choose the level you think you are already good at or needs more work on.

Reading: I decided to read dairy of a wimpy kid 2, I really enjoy the movies and find them funny, the books are really funny to, I think it is a really good book to read and once you start reading you will never want to stop.

Writing: For writing I started/finish  my speech for school, I'm hoping to enter a competition for it, but fingers cross it goes well.

Spelling was quite fun because I got most of them wright, and got through my hole tutoring book. :)

For fittness I jogged for 20 min but also walked to the beach with my mum.

Do you like distance learning?

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Grit task W1 T3

 Kia ora, (sorry if I got you confused I just forgot to add this task). Our task was to write a quote about grit because that interferes with our P.B.L sub question witch is: In pursuit of happiness.  

I did it about how I feel/ my determination to swimming. You can use this quote for any sport but I like to think of it as my swimming quote. We had to write our on quote, quite clearly the teachers said that we can't google it off go Google, or take one from someone that has wrote it before.

Here is the link to my task: Grit quote.

What do you need grit for? 

Do you have a quote to help you?

Friday 13 August 2021

Reading Term 3 Week 3 ( inner peace).

 Hi, This week were  understanding/meaning  of inner peace. Inner peace is something inside you and you can find it by doing the things you love. Well, that's for the ones that don't know about inner peace. The first     time I learned about inner peace was when I went to karate. They taught us that inner peace is about believing in yourself and trying your hardest and if you don't sussed try, try again. Here is the things I find fun and peaceful:

Church: To make me feel much  better and to be happy,calm and peaceful and to have faith that things will get better soon.

Nature: To give me fresh and it helps me to calm down.

Choir: It makes me happy when I sing and I enjoy it.

Drama: I can express my emotions and feelings and sometimes tell/feel how others are feeling.

Artistic swimming: I find it great to focus meet people and forget about my feelings.

Swimming: Calms me and I forget about everything and I enjoy it, I find swimming my happy place to just relax and enjoy it.

What brings you inner peace?

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Do you prefer money or love? ( Writing W2 T3).

 Hello, this term were focusing on persuasive writing ( "Yes my favorite").

Here is my writing about money can't buy happiness, The name of it is do you prefer money or love?

Money can't buy happiness because happiness isn’t something you can buy. I know that you can go on

a holiday and be happy with all your memories. Also you may not be happy on your holiday without your

family, but that's life. Sometimes you don’t get happiness, usually happiness comes to you.

But if you keep trying to get happiness then I don’t think you can be that happy. 

People say if a poor person had family with them then they would be happy,  if a rich person had no family to love them or care for them, but they have all the money in the world, they would still not be as happy as a poor person that has nothing except family. I agree with that saying because what will help us in the world would be family.

Family is always there for you even if you keep out of touch with them. Why is family important? You may be wondering, or how they can help us to be better people? Well, they always show us love because they care for us and have unconditional love for us.  They have faith in us, because they believe in us and try everything that could help us follow our dream. 

What do you think will bring you happiness, money or love?

So what are you for money or love?

Witch on do you have happiness with Money or love?

Thursday 29 July 2021

Emotional literacy

 Kia ora, today we did a task based on Emotional literacy.  If you are wondering what emotional literacy is here's what google said. 

What exactly is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the

ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to

relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. ... Social awareness – You have empathy.

I think emotional Literacy is where you express your feeling than bottling them up. Also to tell your friends or family if your having a problem or why your sad.

Here's my create task link to task.    

Do you ask/ help people with your/there emotions?

Friday 25 June 2021

Writing & Math & Reading W6

 Hi, sorry This will be mixed up on my blog. On week 6 for maths we came up with a game for top team also we have to do the area.

Here is my game Idea: Link to idea/ work.

For writing we are doing a Goldilocks newspaper witch you will see soon since I'm still planning.

Reading we are doing a character web, We needed to read a fiction novel for our character web. My novel was diary of a wimpy kid.

Here's my Reading: Link to work.

Are you a fan of diary of a wimpy kid?

Reading W8 T2

 Hi this week for Reading We are doing Genre witch means categories/ Types. We have a selection of different articles to choose from.  

Here's what I read.

  Genre: Sport

Article 1. Swimming NZ to send 7 swimmers to Tokyo Olympics 2021.

               I liked reading this article because it's about the people who qualified for swimming in the Olympics in NZ and it's great if we cheer NZ on at the Olympics. I liked how they showed you who is in it and what they will be doing/ qualified at the Olympics this year.

 Genre: Feeling/ Health

Article 2. What is empathy?

 Empathy is important, because if someone hurt there self then you shouldn't laugh at others if they hurt you want to help them and you should feel sad for the person. It's good this articular because it brings self awareness to you or a person that isn't that empathetic or nice. 

 Genre: News/ Health.

Article 3. Wellington Moves to level 2.

It's good if we know news about virus and health news because you can know when and what's happening to the place like Wellington, so we know not to go there in lease if you are trying to get covid- 19  or to stay in wellington for a couple of weeks. News are great for us because we can know what is happening in the world and why.

Did you know about:

Seven swimmers from New Zealand going to the Olympics?

What is empathy?

Wellington is in level 2 now?

Friday 28 May 2021

Reading W4 T2

 Hi, This week for reading we were reading texts. Here is the goal: Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important. Here is my work: Link.

Have you heard anything about this before?

Friday 21 May 2021

Reading Week 3 Term 2

 kia ora, this week we were learning about a New Zealand tree. It can catch a dieases called the dieback.

It affects kauri tree, It's important because all the kauri tree have a chance on going extincted. 

Here is my create:

There is more facts in the create and information you may like.

Link to create.

Do you know a tree that is going extinct?

Thursday 20 May 2021

Writing Week 3 Term 2

 Hi this time we are relating to our turangawaewae ( witch means a place to stand.)  At first I wasn't to sure what to do but then i released it would be nice to do the place I was born. So her's my writing for this week.

The place I’m most connected to My Turangawaewae.

My turangawaewae is a place where I feel like home. It may be rainy and gray but it was a place where I took my first steps to become a responsible person. History is this place's specialty. With queens, castles, The whole country's faith and wars. This country has a lot of culture like the food and dancing and the music may not be the best of music. I am proud to be Scottish in every way.

Were's you're turangawaewae?

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Writing & Reading Wk 9 - 10

 Tau Ke,

Today we had to finish our poems about Ōtautahi with our relation with our turangawaewae.

Mine was about how will we did by staying strong from problems throughout Ōtautahi.

Here is my poem:

  Ōtautahi is a place of history 

and kia kaha by staying strong 

Ōtautahi has been through a lot of Disasters

but we have worked together to be a team with Kia kaha

Kia kaha has helped a lot with positivity and braveness for

We all have to be strong with Kia kaha and 

Focus on how we can try our best to show

That we are kia kaha.

Do you have kia kaha in you?

This week also for reading was about making a special symbol for Christchurch

like Raika has that fish and cromwell has that fruit.

Here is what I think Christchurch should have ( here is my design).

It is a Otautahi Mihi that represents the places in Christchurch.

What do you think your country needs?

Maths WK 9 -10

 Kia ora, this week for Maths we learned and did was kowhai patterns. For our crate we were to do Enlargement, Reflection, Translation, Rotation. We only had to choose 3 patterns  and 3 maths showings.

Here is my work:

Here is the Link to my work for a better look: Link.

What's your favorite kowhai pattern?

Friday 26 March 2021

Wrting & Reading W8

 Hello, this week for reading and writing we did the learning last week and this week a create.

For writing we were relating our turangawaewae ( Means a place to stand)  so it had to be Christchurch.

I chooses the new church because that's my second place that I feel like I belong.

Here's my new's paper Artical.

The New church in Christchurch city.
The New Cathloic church in the city. 

Photo by a priest & google.
After the earthquake that struck in 2011 the Catholicos sadly lost the church in the city. Finally when Bishop Paul came to be the new Bishop of Christchurch, he had some plans up his sleeve by making the Catholics a new church in the city and making parishes move into other parishes. We finally get a new church after the disappointment on everyone else's faces.  It will hopefully be built soon. We’re in a tricky situation we have to wait until all the seagulls move out of the place they are hoping to put it in. People recan that they would never move, but I guess the catholics will just have to be patient and hopeful with their faith.
Here are a couple of people's opinions. 
Lily Mclaughlin.
Practicing Cathloic.
She thinks that they might move but it’s their home since over the past years.
She likes to go to church, also they try to go every sunday to mass. She has made most of the sacraments. She thinks people would go to church in the city more than people go to church now.

Tu Tran
Practicing Cathoilc.

She thinks the church will be built  in about  5 years. They have one more church to go to than the St Mary’s. It depends on how long it builds and if we move.
  Thank you for your opinions. Hopefully the Cathloic church will be built soon and hopefully the seagulls move out of the area. Also it will  hopefully be good for people who need to pray in their life.
By Arielle Russell.

This week for Reading we did a place that we think our city will need. I chooses a competition swimming pool because I love to swim an I think we need it.

Here is the design I made:

Link to plan


What do you think we need in the community?


Thursday 25 March 2021

Maths week 8 25.3.21

 kia ora, This week we made a Graph. This was one of our Math goals. We had to do one the was related to our turangawaewae ( witch means a place we stand). Or the other option was what ever you would like to know. I did both so I can get them both ticked off.

Here is my slide

What's your turangawaewae?

Friday 19 March 2021

Maths ( Pa mission). 18.03.21

 Hello, this week we made a google map and did the calculations to see if it was how many North, West, South or East.  My calculations was:

 Onawe Pa.

Answer: North: 6, East: 4.

Kaiapoi Pa.

Answer: North: 5, East: 7.

 Maths was good this week also I learned a lot  about directions and how to read a map to see what's the quickest or slowest way to go.

Pā and Kāinga

If you took a Waka from kaiapoi to Onawe the distance would be 54.6 km. 
If you took the land rote it would be 72.3 km


Have you seen a pa our heard of them before?

Thursday 11 March 2021

Pa week 11.3.21

 Hi, This week it was Pa week witch is a Maori home. The Maoris would block the other people with fences and other stuff.

So some of the other creates will be about My design for the Pa's and other things about the Pa.

Here's my create's:


The Math's were about Areas. It was like writing the writing was me explaining what my design is.

Pā - Wikipedia


With Writing we had to do a thing to explain our design's here's my create.

Here's the Link to the create.


This week we made an add like we were trying to get people to buy a Pa and made a website for people to see the Information.

Here's Link to Let's Get Historical.

Do you have a better understanding of what a Pa is now?

Friday 5 March 2021

Term 1 5.3.21 (Reading).

 Kia ora, 

This week we made a D.L.O about what would be useful for the reader to read and also what would help the reader get a clear picture in there mind. Our create was about this book about how the Maori lived and where they lived through the wars.

Reading link.

What do you think is useful when you read?